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Human Rights and Bribery Policy

JAM Human Rights and Bribery Policy


JAM is committed to all Human Rights and expects the same from those that the company does business with.  All employees of the company are made aware of this important commitment of the company, and this will be reviewed and update at semi-annual meeting that JAM has committed to. In our environment human rights are enshrined in State and Federal law.  For us this means the right to work, the right to equal pay for equal work, the right to non-discrimination, the right to privacy and respect.  All of JAM’s supply chain partners are also made aware of this annually through direct email communication.  This statement is also available on our website.

 “Respecting Human Rights is important to our

company, our people , and our customers and we won’t be compromised. “  J Ilitzky Lombrozo, JAM Inc.

 By joining with the Responsible Jewellery Council we are establishing that 1) we are committed to respect human rights,  2) we have made this commitment part of our business,  3) we communicate this commitment to our managers, staff , contractors and supply chain, and the public, and 4) we will investigate and take action on any risk we find and we will semi-annually commitment to review , track and improve our practices, and 5) we commit to remedy any negative effect of any person affected by an own human rights lapse and 6) we have a grievance mechanism where people can bring a human rights problem up.


JAM recognizes that bribery damages a companies integrity and degrades the business environment overall.   The company is committed to prevent any and all forms of corruption and bribery payments .

 For clarity JAM has committed to the RJC Code of Practice which stipulates that, “bribery means giving or offering (as well as demanding or receiving) any undue advantage to (or from):

• a public or government official (politically exposed persons);

• a political candidate, party or official; or

• any private sector employees, directors or officers, or their agents or representatives.

Corruption is any unlawful or improper behavior that seeks to gain a private advantage through illegitimate means. Any kind of bribery is a form of corruption; but corruption also includes abuse of power, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, embezzlement and money laundering.  Employees include both directly employed workers that have contracts with the RJC member and indirectly employed workers that regularly work at members’ sites and that have employment contracts with a third party, such as a labor agent, labor provider or contractor/subcontractor.  Facilitation payments are sums of money paid to get preferential treatment for something the receiver is otherwise still required to do, for example, paying an official to speed up, or ‘facilitate’, an authorization process.”


Jessica Ilitzky Lombrozo   President of JAM Jewels Inc.

October 2019